Friday, March 9, 2007

Comedy Central

Several years ago, I started working part time for Academic Services for Student-Athletes. It's now my full-time job. I absolutely love it. Basically, I spend all of my time helping students make the transition from high school to college, teaching them how to balance their sport and their schoolwork. Sometimes I feel like a concerned big sister; other times, I feel like a nagging mom. Seriously, it's the best job in the world.

For real, where else could you experience comedy that takes place every single second, like you can in the academic center? For example, just last week, two football players are working on assignments in my office; a few minutes later, a female golfer, who happens to be from Sweden, comes in. As soon as she and I start to talk, football player #1 gets excited. (Apparently, girls with accents are hot.) So here's the conversation that takes place:

Football Player #1: So, you're not from around here, are you?"

Girl Golfer from Sweden: No.

Football Player #2: I like your accent.

Girl: Thanks.

FB #1: Where are you from?

Girl: Sweden

FB #1: So you speak with a Swedish accent? (My thoughts: duh!")

Girl: Yes.

FB #1: I like it.

Girl: Thanks.

FB#2, ever so seriously: Do you like my accent? It's called "hood."

Okay, so now that I've typed out the entire conversation, I realize it won't be nearly as funny to anyone as it is to me. However, it had me laughing for days. He just said it so quietly, so seriously, and the girl just looked at him like he was odd. gotta love it.


Jen said...

Hilarious! What a pick-up line.

Anonymous said...

i like it....after all, when i was teaching, we called ourselves the hoods... it was fun cause i always taught somewhere that sort of was a bit shady...good times

Lin said...

boys are so crazy!

Shannon said...

Kala, it is as funny as you thought it was. I can just see the earnest, thoughtful face on the guy as he said it, and her look of "Huh?" :)

Lauren said...

Hey Kala,

Derek did so good Sunday morning! You'd be proud. Did you see his pics on Catherine's site? (Link to Umbrella Designs) They're awesome.

Lin said...

you're not very good at this

Lauren said...

Congratulations :)

Lauren said...

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Kryzch!

(we need an update!!!!)

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.